DuPage County
- Bensenville, Gas Service Station, St. Johannes Cemetery, & Rest Haven Cemetery. Demolition and modifications for the O'Hare Modernization Program. EXPIRED.
- Bensenville, 7N040 Pine Avenue. Demolition. EXPIRED.
- Bloomingdale vicinity, William Patrick Farm House. Demolition.
- Downers Grove, Longfellow School, 1435 Prairie Avenue. Demolition.
- Downers Grove, 928 Maple Avenue. Demolition.
- Downers Grove, 818 Ogden Avenue. Demolition.
- Glen Ellyn, Giesche's Shoes, 400 North Main Street. Demolition and new construction. EXPIRED.
- Glen Ellyn, Metra Station, 551 Crescent Boulevard. Replacement.
- Glen Ellyn, 423-425 North Main Street. Demolition and new pedestrian walkway construction.
- Hinsdale, Sixth Street, between Garfield Street and County Line Road. Brick street demolition.
- Itasca, 125 West Orchard Street. Demolition and new construction.
- Lemont, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne Thermal Source Reactor. Decontamination and decommissioning.
- Lemont, Argonne National Laboratory, Building 301. Demolition.
- Lemont, Argonne National Laboratory, Erwin O. Freund Historic District Swimming Pool and Bathhouse. Demolition. EXPIRED.
- Lombard, Helen Plum Library, 110 West Maple Street. Demolition.
- Naperville, Main Street Bridge (Structure No. 022-6752). Replacement.
- Naperville, McDowell Grove Dam. Demolition of bridge abutments.
- Naperville, North Central College, Oesterle Library, 320 East School Street. Window replacement. EXPIRED.
- Naperville, Peter E. & Josephine Stephens Kroehler Property. Demolition, rehabilitation, and new construction.
- Naperville, 252 & 262 East 4th Avenue. Demolition and new construction.
- Oak Brook, Fullersburg Woods Forest Preserve, Low Head Dam on Salt Creek. Removal.
- Oak Brook, McDonald's Corporation Headquarters Building, 2111 McDonald's Drive. Demolition and new construction. EXPIRED.
- Warrenville, Warrenville Grove Dam. Modification. EXPIRED.
- West Chicago, Barn, 32W660 Fabyan Parkway. Demolition for an industrial park. EXPIRED.
- Wheaton, Art Sweet Memorial Park Bandshell. Demolition for a new amphitheater. EXPIRED.