Illinois National Register Advisory Council
The Illinois National Register Advisory Council, formally known as the Illinois Historic Sites Advisory Council (1969-2024), is the body that recommends places in Illinois to the National Register of Historic Places. It also advises the State Historic Preservation Office on matters pertaining to historic preservation. The Council meets three times a year and is comprised of 9 members. There are at a minimum, two historians, two architectural historians, or architects with a preservation background, and two archaeologists. The remaining three members have to have a preservation interest and are drawn from supporting fields, such as, but not limited to planning, law, local government, and historical geography. Lastly, a representative from both the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library, and Illinois State Museum serve on the Council in an advisory capacity as non-voting members.
2025 Council Members
Nora Pat Small, Architectural Historian (2025-2027) CHAIR
Chelsea Baughman, Archaeologist (2023-2025)
Devin Hunter, Historian (2023-2025)
Victoria Granacki, Preservation Advocate (2024-2026)
Kandalyn Hahn, Architectural Historian (2023-2025)
Charles Pipal, Architect (2024-2026)
Lauren Thompson, Historian (2024-2026)
Rachel Hitzmann, Preservation Advocate (2023-2025)
Susan Kooiman, Archaeologist (2023-2025)
Jenn Edginton - Illinois State Museum (non-voting)
Christina Shutt, Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library & Museum (non-voting)
2025 Meeting Dates:
February 28 (online), June 27 (online), October 24 (Springfield)
February 28, 2025 Webex Meeting Link Below:
Properties to be considered on February 28, 2025
Additional Meeting Materials
Contact Andrew Heckenkamp to request approved minutes for past meetings: