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A worldwide technology outage is causing disruption to some State of Illinois online systems.  We are aware of this issue and are diligently working on restoration.

Mount Pulaski Courthouse

113 South Washington Street
Mount Pulaski, IL


Jan-Dec: Wed-Sat 12 p.m. – 5 p.m.

Mount Pulaski Courthouse entrance

Mount Pulaski Courthouse was built in 1848 and served as the Logan County seat of government until 1855. Attorney Abraham Lincoln regularly argued cases in the second-floor courtroom, helping to establish his reputation as both an accomplished practitioner of the law and a gifted speaker. After the county seat was moved to Lincoln in 1855, the former courthouse was used as a city hall, school, and post office. In 1935 the state purchased the building and began efforts to “restore” it to an 1850s appearance.

Mount Pulaski Courthouse

The two-story brick Greek Revival building stands at the center of the Mount Pulaski public square. The first floor, divided by a hallway, contains six rooms representing county offices; the second floor houses a courtroom, jury room, and judge’s chambers. The grounds are beautifully shaded by large trees. In 1978 the Courthouse was added to the National Register of Historic Places.

Visitors to Mount Pulaski Courthouse are provided guided tours of the recreated county offices and courtroom. The building is not accessible to persons with disabilities. On a panel behind the building are photos of the interior and an outline history.

Accessibility Information

The following are available for the visitor to the site:

  • On street parking, approx. 450 ft of city sidewalk before the ramp leading to the courthouse lawn.

  • Ramps are available to the lawn of the courthouse.

Mt Pulaski Courthouse State Historic Site has on street parking with dedicated accessible parking and access to the sidewalk on the north-west corner of the square. There is a ramp leading from the sidewalk up to the rear of the courthouse in the center of the block on the east side of the square. There is no accessibility into the Mt Pulaski Courthouse State Historic Site. Because of the grade changes in the terrain around the square there is no easy access to the lawn of the courthouse.

For more site information visit:

Mount Pulaski Courthouse inside courtroom
