Evergreen Cemetery, IL Route 3 North
Chester, IL
Open from sunrise to sunset daily. Self guided tours only. The office phone number for further information is 618-859-3741
The Governor Bond State Memorial marks the grave of Shadrach Bond, the first governor of Illinois after it attained statehood in 1818. Bond was born in Maryland and settled in Monroe County, Illinois in 1794. He served in several territorial positions and as an Illinois Territory delegate to the United States House of Representatives from 1812 to 1814. During his term as governor, the State Bank of Illinois was chartered and the capital was moved from Kaskaskia to Vandalia. The obelisk-style monument was erected in 1883.

Accessibility Information
The Governor Bond Memorial site is satellite of the Fort Kaskaskia site. It's located in the city of Chester's Cemetery and has no ADA accessibility although it can pretty well be seen from a vehicle. A person could get out and get around on the asphalt paved road that is on both sides of the monument marker. The cemetery is accessed by turning south off route 3. The site is open from sunrise to sunset. No tours, self-guided tours only. There are no places to sit.